EcoBio Stim – environmentally friendly fertiliser


A concentrated liquid fertiliser for all types of home, balcony, garden, greenhouse, and water plants. A natural nutrient and biological protection in one – eliminates and deters pests, and prevents numerous diseases, including fungal ones. Contains essential elements, such as nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, iron, and microelements: iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, and chromium, all in an easily assimilable form. Beneficial microorganisms that the agent contains activate the nutrients present in the soil, needed for healthy plant growth. EcoBio Stim is particularly recommended for environmentally friendly plant farming.


  1. Environmentally friendly and safe
  2. Naturally nourishes, immunises and heals plants
  3. Eliminates and deters pests
  4. Prevents the development of fungal and bacterial diseases
  5. Contains essential elements and beneficial microorganisms
  6. For all plant types – home, balcony, garden, greenhouse, and water plants
  7. Available in 300 ml packs


Application: each time you water your plants or as foliar spraying after dilution with water. When controlling diseases, perform preventive spraying 4 times during the first two days, then regularly water the plants with the agent diluted with water. A natural sediment may form at the bottom of the bottle – shake before use.


Dosing: each time plants are watered: 100 ml concentrate per 5 l water; foliar spraying: 100 ml concentrate per 2 l water; intervention spraying: 300 ml concentrate per 2 l water. For persistent pests, use EcoBio Spray.


Keep out of reach of children. Store at temperatures above zero, up to +25°C.



EcoBio Stim aids in young sapling rooting and fosters mycorrhiza. It strengthens the plant root system with its high content of beneficial microorganisms, including ones that create permanent humus and fix nitrogen from the air.

The agent is recommended for environmentally friendly farming. It is suitable for all plants: home, balcony and garden flowers, vegetable and fruit farming, lawns, orchards, trees, and bushes.

A natural and environmentally friendly product. Nourishes and immunises plants against fungal diseases, pathogens and low temperatures. Facilitates plant regeneration after mechanical damage or diseases.

EcoBio Stim contains all essential macro and microelements necessary for healthy plant growth and development - all in forms that are easily assimilable by plants.

Despite the essential nutrient content, plants only draw from the agent these ingredients that they need at the moment - there is no risk of overdosing when dosing the agent as recommended.


How do you use EcoBio Stim for home plants during the winter period?

During the winter period, green pants should be fertilised with doses reduced by half, while flowering plants – fertilised as during the summer period. Additionally, in dry rooms, it is advisable to moisten the air around the plant with regular water from time to time.


Why EcoBio Stim can be used as a universal fertiliser? Different plant species need different NPK ratios delivered in their fertiliser, after all.

In addition to the essential elements, found in any fertiliser, EcoBio Stim also contains beneficial microorganisms, including microorganisms that fix permanent humus and nitrogen from the air. With participation of the microorganisms, the plant intakes nutrients selectively, only those it needs at the time. The other nutrients remain in the soil, but the plant does not absorb them (unless it needs them).


Is the presence of beneficial microorganisms in the EcoBio Stim fertiliser related to mycorrhiza inoculants?

The microorganisms present in the agent form mycorrhizae and there is no need to use additional mycorrhiza inoculants for plants fertilised with EcoBio Stim.


What is the difference between foliar and soil fertilisation?

The foundation of plant fertilisation is soil fertilisation. With foliar fertilisation, a plant is nourished within a few hours, while absorbing nutrients through the root system takes several days, depending on soil and weather conditions. If there is a deficit of specific nutrients, the time the plant takes to replenish them may be too long. It is worth doing a foliar fertilisation then. Fertiliser spraying should not be done before rainfall and during intense sunshine, as the plants may suffer burns. At high temperatures, the fertiliser solution evaporates very quickly and its intake by the plants is diminished.
